Monday, September 29, 2014

Cheetah Walk - Can You Help?

Its that time again! The big day is quickly approaching … this Thursday, Oct. 8th.  If you are new to Cherry Valley, you’ll quickly learn that this is the largest PTA fundraiser of the year.  The kids love it, parents love it and it takes a lot of help to pull it off!  This year the kids are walking to earn money to go towards a mobile laptop cart.  So, thank you in advance for hopefully being able to help out next Thursday.

Please look over the chart below. The shaded areas are filled as of the morning of Monday, September 29, but if there is still a spot you would like to take, please email Katie at We know most parents like to help with their child's class and we do our best to accommodate those requests, but we fill the schedule based on a first reply basis.  If you are available to help with more than one shift, even better — just let Katie know. There are also openings for helping with water & snacks, being the Cheetah bodyguard, and simply as an extra/backup helper.

Your volunteer paperwork from the school district must be filled out and approved in order to help. As you can see, we need a lot of volunteers to make this event happen!

Thanks in advance for your support of this fun school event!

Time Green Blue Yellow Orange Red Purple
9:30-10:00 Shireman Schneider Pearia Nelson Yamamoto Mattison AM
Krista Golden
10:10-10:40 Kavataker Coats Ish Nakagami Santamaria
11:00-11:30 Bellecourt Taylor (4th Grade) Straily S. Taylor (2nd Grade) Archuleta Latta
1:10-1:40 Martin Luchini Kelley Freeburg Feller Mattison PM