Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cheetah Walk is coming up!

Pledge Sheets went home on Friday for our annual Cheetah Walk that will be held on Thursday, October 4.  Cheetah Walk is one of two yearly PTA fundraisers.  Your child will have 30 minutes to walk/run the track and earn money per lap.  The Pledge Sheets are due back no later than October 3rd. 

We always need lots of volunteers on the day of the Cheetah Walk.  If you would like to help count laps or hand out water, please email Nancy Perry at  (If you would like to be there during your child's lap time, please indicate your child's teacher.)

This year's funds will go toward a workroom laminator and an in-ceiling projector screen for our gymnasium.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework Club Proposal

We were excited to have Kait Teachout visit the PTA meeting last night and share her idea for a Homework Club at Cherry Valley! Here is the information she presented:

"Target: We can help to equalize student academic achievement through formation of an after school homework club at the elementary level. Studies support the theory that supporting marginalized students in their academics through the support of a homework club improves their oral reading abilities and English grades.

Proposal: As a teacher who has experienced success with students through after school study clubs, I would like to tap into community resources such as PTA, High School Honor Society, Random Acts of Kindness Club, Rotary Club, and the Duvall Civic Club to organize a group of volunteers to work with struggling students after school. Once the volunteer base is defined, we would work with the Cherry Valley Principal and teachers to flag students who lack home support to participate in the program. Depending on the number of volunteers, the program would run on Tuesdays and possibly Thursdays from 3:30-4:30.

Vision: Mentoring students who lack home support to develop the habits of mind to tackle homework at an elementary level can impact and positively change the course of their academic career. Once the Cherry Valley Homework Club is established I would like to work with the Stillwater and Carnation Elementary staff and volunteer base to develop similar programs."

For more information or to volunteer, contact Kait Teachout at

Monday, September 17, 2012

PTA Family Night!

Get your tickets now for our first PTA family night of the school year!

Jump Rattle & Roll in Monroe
October 18 & 19, 6-8pm
LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE, presale tickets only!

Click here for Jump Rattle & Roll's FAQ. Each guest/family must sign a waiver which is available at the bottom of the FAQ page.

Look for a flyer to be coming home with your student(s). We hope to see you there!


The first general PTA meeting of the school year will be held tomorrow night (Tuesday, September 18) in the LRC at 7pm. Childcare will be provided in the Cheetah Club.

General Meeting Agenda - Sept. 2012

Cherry Valley PTA 2012-2013
General Meeting Agenda
Meeting to be held on September 18, 2012

7:00 pm - Meeting Called to Order – Kappie Ayers, Co-President
7:05 pm – Welcome and Introductions – Kappie and Anna
7:10 pm – Review of May 2012 minutes – Jill Dalton, Secretary
7:15 pm - Budget/Financial Overview – Kalin Brigs, Treasurer
7:20 pm – Review of Financial Report - Kalin
7:25 pm - Review and Adoption of Standing Rules – Anna Lamb, Co-President
7:30 pm - New Business
     1. Homework Club – Kait Teachout
     2. Nominating Committee - Kappie
     3. Laminator - Kappie
7:45 pm – Committee Reports
     1. Membership – Jen Rees
     2. Events – Melissa McDowell & Amy Fudally
     3. Volunteers – Debbie Lee
     4. Reflections/Yearbook/Art Docent – Kim Puhrmann
     5. Cheetah Walk – Christy Ferguson


Important upcoming dates:
9/24 Picture Day
10/4 Cheetah Walk
11/13 Next General Meeting – LRC – 7pm

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes - Sept. 2012

Cherry Valley PTA 2012-2013
Board Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2012

1. Meeting called to order at 7:07pm.
2. Administrative Business
a. Minutes from August were not available for review
b. Treasurer was not in attendance but budget was reviewed
i. $660 income from matching on Jumpathon in August
ii. Back to school event cost $264 – extra money in budget may be reallocated as needed in increments less than $500
iii. Yearbook brought in $1673.50 and Membership $871.50
3. Committee Reports
a. Membership
i. 75 people have filed their membership for this year.
ii. A flier will be going home reminding people to fill in their forms.
iii. The cheetah with members names is up on the hallway bulletin board.
b. Communications: Web site is
c. After School Programs – flier will go out this week
d. Recognition
i. Good responses for Back to School snack for teachers.
ii. Will have an Italian Soda Bar one day at lunch this month.
iii. May need to request more money for birthday gifts.
e. Fundraising – Cheetah walk is scheduled for October 4. Will ask for $600 for prizes.
f. Art Docent – Training 9/19 May need to move because of curriculum night.
g. Reflections – Putting together a video. Would like a page in the yearbook.
h. Yearbook – over 100 sold. Will use a bulletin board to post pictures.
i. Events – Working on the following dates
i. October – bounce house in Monroe – 2 nights
ii. Dec 20 – movie night
iii. January 18 – family bowling
iv. Feb 14 – skate king valentines party
v. Will also do Mariners again
j. Safety – will have meeting 9/12
k. Volunteers – many forms were turned in at “Takin’ Care of Business” night. Volunteers will need to fill out forms for the district
4. Old Business
a. Takin’ Care of Business review – many positive reviews
b. Volunteer Forms are available at On the
immunization form you only need the TDAP. You will also need to photocopy your driver’s license and turn these in to the district office.
5. New Business
a. October Welcome Back Event – Events is looking into booking time at Jump Rattle & Roll in Monroe
b. Nominating Committee – Several people have been contacted about being on the committee. Want to get this formed as soon as possible.
c. Science Van – Mollie and Katie are looking at dates
d. Standing Rules Revision – will change wording of when nominating committee should be formed.
e. Code of Conduct – board members signed the code.
f. Hostess – circulated a sign up to host board and general meetings

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm.

Next General Meeting September 18, 2012, 7pm CVE library – Katie and Christy hostess
Next Board Meeting October 16, 2012 7pm Kim Puhrmann’s home

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Picture Day

.. is Monday, September 24th.

Find everything you need to preorder portrait packages at From this main page you will need to enter Cherry Valley's portrait ID, which is LS142866Y0.

Order online before picture day! You can find picture day information, see the exciting new portrait looks, customize your package with multiple portrait looks, and even pay with your credit card.

Portrait package order forms will also be coming home with your child, so be on the lookout for that in the next week.

Board Meeting Agenda - Sept. 2012

Cherry Valley PTA 2012-2013
Board Meeting Agenda
Meeting to be held on September 11, 2012

7:00 pm - Meeting Called to Order – Kappie Ayers, Co-President
7:05 pm - Approval of August Minutes – Jill Dalton, Secretary
7:10 pm - Budget/Financial Overciew – Kalin Brigs, Treasurer
7:20 pm - Committee Reports
       1. Membership – Jen
       2. Communications – Website, Constant Contact
       3. After School Classes – Rachel
       4. Recognition –
       5. Fundraising –
       6. Art Docent – Badieh
       7. Reflections – Elaine
       8. Events
       9. Advocacy
       10. Safety
       11. Volunteers
7:45 pm – Old Business
       1. Takin’ Care of Business review
       2. Volunteer forms
8:00 pm - New Business
       1. October Welcome Back Event
       2. Nominating Committee
       3. Budget vs. Donations
       4. Science Van
       5. Standing Rules revisions
       6. Code of Conduct revisions


Important upcoming dates
9/18 General Meeting CVE library 7pm
10/4 Cheetah Walk