Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Taking Care Of Business!

Come join the PTA in Taking Care Of Business!

Wednesday, August 29th

This is a great time to handle many 2012 back-to-school necessities all at once.
You can:
  • meet your teacher
  • drop off supplies for grades K-3
  • order your yearbook
  • prepay on your lunch account
  • pay your art, Scholastic News, supplies fees etc.
  • sign up to volunteer
  • and much more!
We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes - Aug. 2012

Cherry Valley PTA 2012-2013
Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2012

1. Meeting called to order at 7:13pm. Present – Jill Dalton, Roxane Luchini, Krista Mattison, Anna Lamb, Kim Puhrmann, Jen Rees, Katie Ellsworth, Kailin Briggs, Debra Lee
2. Administrative Business
a. Review calendar, procedures for making and distributing copies, standards of conduct
b. PTA packet forms due to Anna or Kappie by August 22 for Taking Care of Business night.
c. Everyone has notebooks for their board positions except Kim.
d. Board members should get nametags when Lifetouch comes for photos.
e. Taking Care of Business night – August 29th 3-5pm
i. Constant Contact reminder needs to go out.
ii. Students (k-3) will be able to meet their teachers and turn in their school supplies. Fourth and Fifth grade teachers will be available but not in rooms.
iii. Each family attending will receive a packet of info, forms, and a map
iv. School services available to discuss with parents in the cafeteria.
v. ASB will be selling shirtsf. PTA Training Thursday August 23 in Newport. Kailin will handle registration.
3. Budget Financial Overview Financial report was distributed. Escrip money came in July. Financial review of last year will take place on 8/17/2012
4. Meeting Adjourned 8:17pm

Next Board Meeting September 11, 2012
Next General Meeting September 18, 2012 in the library